Sunday, September 26, 2021

Steady progress

    Welcome back to the obsidian tower. Progress is being made on the red corsairs indeed, however, I haven't quite found a good spot for all my tools. As I was planning out who is going to get what base I realized I don't have any putty or paperclips for filling holes and pinning bases. Some of the bits I intend to use also need priming. Speaking of priming, I did in fact switch over to an airbrush for just such things, but my previous setup was a bit too careless, I need a better way to properly ventilate my workspace before I can start doing that again. I have my eye on an airbrush booth on Amazon that I think will do the trick but it might be a couple paychecks before I feel comfortable dropping dolla dolla bills on fancy painting equipment. 

    That said, my lighting situation also needs work. Currently, I have a small lamp providing diffuse light, it's good but I was brainstorming on how my workstation could be improved. And speaking of improvements, 3D printing has come QUITE a long way since I last poked my big nose into these things. They have resin ones for less than $300 these days! It just so happens that I went to school for 3D modeling so I'm gonna have to get one. And when I do, you better believe the hobby shenanigans are going to the next level! But for the time being, the nice things will have to wait.

ENOUGH TALK! Where are my pictures of Warhammer stuff!!?

The newly painted Red Corsair (Left)

    So while I was painting in my spare time this week I had a chance to listen to some lore about the Badab War. For those of you unfamiliar, this is the conflict in Warhammer 40k that led to the formation of my beloved Red Corsair faction in-universe. It was quite fascinating and intriguing how the Astral Claws were able to convince other loyalist chapters to aid them in their rebellion. At first, it was indeed seemingly justified, but in typical grim dark fashion, underhanded deeds and Huron's want for power led many a space marine to his doom. Along with uhh... millions... of innocent people lol.

A chapter I recognized, The Lamenters, was also involved in the Badab war... on the side of the rebellion. This was surprising to me knowing they were still considered a loyalist chapter.

    There are two parts of the story that stood out to me as I listened. One was when the "good guy" space marines blasted a whole ass planet of innocent people to spite the Mantis Warriors for insulting their honor. This was a very questionable action on behalf of a space marine chapter, and no one seemed to care haha! The other part was when the traitors finally lost and many of the rebellious space marine chapters were taken back to be judged for their actions. But then the tribunal decided that they should just crusade the eye of terror for a little while and all is forgiven. Like, what?! I honestly expected them to be executed! It was a very forgiving moment for the Inquisition and the Imperium, all things considered. I guess they decided they can't afford to lose any more space marines in the fight for survival.

    Speaking of freehand, I got to try a little bit on a guy I found in the bottom of the repair box. Looks like one of Corey's paint jobs. A very good paint job to be sure, but I needed to alter one of the colors to blend him in with my scheme a little better.

Freehand detail, or perhaps mouth-hand detail...OM NOM NOM

Curiously, many of my Red Corsairs have hunks of meat hanging off their belt, and it suddenly occurred to me that it may be to feed Mr. Mouth hand's veracious apatite!

Anyway, this guy is pretty much complete at this point but mounting him to an appropriate base has stalled me from officially considering him completed. My workstation isn't outfitted to mount bases to models just yet, a problem I will be tackling soon I'm sure. That's all for now!

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Setting back up again

    Hello again! After a couple years of financial instability (no doubt caused by a certain hobby 😅) I am now able to possibly RESUME enjoying life again. Now that I have a much better job that supports my lifestyle, and a place to live that accommodates piles of plastic, I have been able to dig out all the old Warhammer stuffs. I missed being able to paint my guys, so naturally I painted one! The last unpainted remnants of the Red Corsairs need not hide in the box of shame any longer!

The first (chaos gods willing) of a few more to come

    Where did I leave off with these guys? I'll be damned if I remember. But it looks like I've got 4 more regular bolter guys. Then I have 3 dudes with banners, a terminator lord, a terminator sorcerer, two guys with power fists, and some leftover guys from dark vengeance in various states of disrepair. Oh yeah and those khorne berzerkers....and a heldrake......aaaand a renegade knight. And would you believe that I even have some guys in this box that...look... like.... (no, no, no) unpainted Ultramarines!? Well, chaos is getting painted first. I think after the whole primaris release I have officially joined the dark side. I guess that batman quote about seeing yourself become the villain is true after all.

Until next time!