Sunday, July 23, 2017

Getting ready for the new Codex

With the new space marine codex not far away, I am excited to see how the new marines fit into the codex. We all know that the primaris marines seemingly got a new rank exclusive to them. However, after I saw a video of someone reviewing the new book, I noticed that Lieutenants were no longer exclusive! How exciting.

Non-Primaris Lieutenant

I know everyone's all excited for primaris marines, but I already have a massive collection of mini-marines. I'm not super eager to run out and buy a million more space marines. So I was quite pleased to see some of the new cheese found its way into my realm. I immediately set to converting a captain I never used into a Lieutenant. Demoted!

 The new Lieutenant

Freehand detail

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Lt. Varras Rescue Mission Update for 8th Edition

So I figured it was about time to update the Rescue mission for 8th edition. I've made some small changes to the rules to improve balance.

Custom rules for Lt. Varras

Varras starts out inside a bunker. The bunker cannot be destroyed. The bunker is placed 1" outside the center of the enemy deployment zone. The Rescue player can choose for Lt. Varras to leave the bunker in any movement phase. Lt. Varras must leave the bunker on turn 4. Lt. Varras counts as having been disembarked from a vehicle on the turn he leaves the bunker. Once he leaves the bunker he cannot re-enter the bunker. Lt. Varras must be in the Rescuer's deployment zone when the game ends to count as having been saved. If the enemy army successfully kills Varras, the mission is over and the rescue has failed.

You can modify the winning conditions for a campaign by including Major and Minor victories. Major victory can be scored for the "enemy" player by capturing Varras instead of killing him. You can apprehend Varras by moving any a minimum of 3 infantry models within 1" of Varras. Less than 3 infantry models can only attack varras in close combat. While Varras is apprehended, he moves under the control of the "enemy" player. Varras is captured if he ends the game within the enemy deployment zone.

If you have this old model laying around, fix it up and play a game with it! Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, July 13, 2017


Hey, welcome back! Just a quick update about my Ultramarines today. As I was painting the backlog of tactical marines I have accumulated, I got the idea to turn some of the extra guys into combi-plasma toting Sergeants. Combi weapons got a lot better in the new edition, so I figured it was time to convert a couple and add them to my marines.

Just a plasma pistol glued to the top of a bolter

I think it looks pretty alright. I can't wait to use them in my lists as I progress into 8th edition.

Detail shot of helmetless Sergeant

I also managed to collect Sergeant Chronus, thus completing my collection of Ultramarine characters.

Full sweep

Can't wait to play some more 8th edition!