Sunday, May 21, 2017

Ravenwing progress

Yesterday Zac and I made our pilgrimage to Dwayne's World. We were both blown away by the sheer majesty of the new hobby shop and eager to buy new toys. Afterwards, we were both pumped up to work on our models. So this morning I'd like to show you a peek at what i've been working on.

Ravenwing In Progress

All this unpainted plastic got me thinking though, "Wouldn't it be awesome if all of it was painted?" Well the obvious answer is "of fucking course." So Zac and I are planning on doing a paint jam! Thats right, we're gonna shift this shit into high gear and crank through all of it as fast as possible very soon. We're still finalising the plans. Keep an eye out for more pictures! 

Sunday, May 14, 2017

"Your orders are quite clear!"

The Deathwing!

Well they're finally done, and and they say a picture is worth a thousand words. So let's take a look!

Deathwing Knights

Deathwing Close Ups

A few of my favorites

Keep an eye out for your retribution heretic!

Stay tuned for more as it comes, Cya!