Sunday, October 20, 2024


Welcome back to Obsidian Tower, I thought I'd post today about my Orks since they haven't had a moment in the spotlight yet.


    I haven't collected Orks very seriously in my hobby career, and even considered selling them off at one point. Because of this, the paint jobs they have received have been a mishmash of varying levels of quality. I have always enjoyed the chaotic nature of Orks, and I feel that this concept has unwittingly worked its way into how my Orks are now represented in paint. When I look at my Ork collection I see some I painted at the beginning of my hobby journey. My wife painted a couple, my best friend's older brother painted a couple when he was younger than I am now, and even my friend Zac painted a couple when I tried to pawn them off on him. Eventually, they found their way back to me and I finally decided it was time to finish them off once and for all. It was time they were finished since they had been half-painted for over a decade. So lets take a look at some pictures!

Da Boss!


Looted Wagon


     Now that I am looking at them finished, I realize I can finally play a starter game of 5th edition! Better late than never I guess...

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Blood Ravens Progress Report

 Welcome back to the Obsidian Tower! The Blood Ravens are very nearly complete, and I'm very excited to post some pictures for your viewing enjoyment!

The Blood Ravens!

I just love to look at them when they're all set up rank and file. Unfortunately, my phone can't seem to grab the whole army in all its splendor in the quality I would like so I had to take a few close-ups...

"I fear no evil, for I am fear incarnate." — Gabriel Angelos

My aim for this army is that I would use more old-school metal models wherever & whenever I could to give it a more retro 3rd-5th edition look.

Terminator Chaplain & Scouts

The theme here is 5th Company Blood Ravens with a special emphasis on color pattern reference from the Dawn of War series game assets.

The Dreadnought

I love that this army includes so many older models. The Terminators and Dreadnought look great together. The Devastator squad can be fully kitted out with either four Rocket Launchers or four Multi-meltas. I had a lot of leftover heavy weapons lying around lol.

The Bulwark

These guys cleaned up nicely! They went from some of my least favorite models to my most favorite, it's great what a new coat of paint can do!

I'm quite happy with the base here

The Dreadnought was an eBay rescue model I got a pretty good deal on. It was covered in black and blue paint from a chapter I'm sure was annihilated in a great crusade.

A couple of pylons I grabbed off eBay

Well, I only have a few more models to paint before the Blood Ravens are officially finished.
  • Chaplain
  • Librarian
  • Terminator Captain
  • Terminator Librarian
I wanted to have all the options for command available to the Blood Ravens because I'm a nerd like that I guess. Anyway, thanks for stopping by! Stay tuned for more to come!

Buttermilk Bob's Machiavellian tactics