Sunday, October 20, 2024


    Welcome back to Obsidian Tower, I thought I'd post today about my Orks since they haven't had a moment in the spotlight yet.

    I haven't collected Orks very seriously in my hobby career, and even considered selling them off at one point. Because of this, the paint jobs they have received have been a mishmash of varying levels of quality. I have always enjoyed the chaotic nature of Orks, and I feel that this concept has unwittingly worked its way into how my Orks are now represented in paint. When I look at my Ork collection I see some I painted at the beginning of my hobby journey. My wife painted a couple, my best friend's older brother painted a couple when he was younger than I am now, and even my friend Zac painted a couple when I tried to pawn them off on him. Eventually, they found their way back to me and I finally decided it was time to finish them off once and for all. It was time they were finished since they had been half-painted for over a decade. So lets take a look at some pictures!


Da Boss!

Looted Wagon!

Fly boyz!

     Now that I am looking at them finished, I realize I can finally play a starter game of 5th edition! Better late than never I guess...

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Blood Ravens Progress Report

 Welcome back to the Obsidian Tower! The Blood Ravens are very nearly complete, and I'm very excited to post some pictures for your viewing enjoyment!

The Blood Ravens!

I just love to look at them when they're all set up rank and file. Unfortunately, my phone can't seem to grab the whole army in all its splendor in the quality I would like so I had to take a few close-ups...

"I fear no evil, for I am fear incarnate." — Gabriel Angelos

My aim for this army is that I would use more old-school metal models wherever & whenever I could to give it a more retro 3rd-5th edition look.

Terminator Chaplain & Scouts

The theme here is 5th Company Blood Ravens with a special emphasis on color pattern reference from the Dawn of War series game assets.

The Dreadnought

I love that this army includes so many older models. The Terminators and Dreadnought look great together. The Devastator squad can be fully kitted out with either four Rocket Launchers or four Multi-meltas. I had a lot of leftover heavy weapons lying around lol.

The Bulwark

These guys cleaned up nicely! They went from some of my least favorite models to my most favorite, it's great what a new coat of paint can do!

I'm quite happy with the base here

The Dreadnought was an eBay rescue model I got a pretty good deal on. It was covered in black and blue paint from a chapter I'm sure was annihilated in a great crusade.

A couple of pylons I grabbed off eBay

Well, I only have a few more models to paint before the Blood Ravens are officially finished.
  • Chaplain
  • Librarian
  • Terminator Captain
  • Terminator Librarian
I wanted to have all the options for command available to the Blood Ravens because I'm a nerd like that I guess. Anyway, thanks for stopping by! Stay tuned for more to come!

Buttermilk Bob's Machiavellian tactics

Monday, August 7, 2023

ULTRA-sonic cleaning


Welcome back to the Obsidian Tower. Last time I alluded to the acquisition of an ULTRA-sonic cleaner. Well, today we're taking a look at what I've been doing with it.
Kill me brother!
So I had some crusty old space marines in my collection that were looking very rough. I didn't really like looking at them and I decided something needed to change. I knew I wanted to re-paint them but painting them blue again just didn't seem like the right move.
Powerful stuff...
Since I had just completed my collection of 5th edition codexes, I wanted to try and paint up a chapter that could plausibly be played as more than just "codex marines". I've always liked the Blood Angels but I didn't want to do another headline chapter. No, this time I wanted to try something else. A different flavor of "blood" marines.
Here they come!
As much as I like that the flesh tearers also weren't too fond of Primaris at first, I decided they were a little bit too morally ambiguous. Then I remembered, I already painted a blood raven for fun, and I love Dawn of War.
Had to upgrade to the 'new' base size
Now that I knew what chapter I wanted to paint, I grabbed my crusty old Ultramarines and gave them an Ultra-cleaning in the Ultrasonic scrubber.
We're charging into the Ultrasonic cleaner!
These guys were rough. Their arms were mismatched and they still had two layers of paint from the failed simple green soak six years ago. This time, they were gonna get... super clean.
Obligatory Hobby Station Pic
The super clean sonic bath did the trick and these guys were as close to new as they could possibly get. I took my time trying out some different basing styles before I decided on what I wanted to go with. I liked the look the corkboard gave my chaos marines and I wanted to bring that over to the loyalists.
This sergeant was a special paint job because he reminded me of the meme of that guy screaming in the dawn of war 1 intro.
Freehand Detail
Had to flex the freehand on this guy. He's the squad leader after all...

Blood Raven Tactical Squad
And here is the final result. Ten tactical marines painted up like Blood Ravens. This force isn't as big as the Ultramarine force. When it is completed it will be composed of: 
  • Captain ✓
  • Chaplain
  • Librarian
  • Terminator Captain
  • Terminator Chaplain ✓
  • Terminator Librarian
  • 5 man Terminator Squad ✓
  • Dreadnought ✓
  • 2x 10 man Tactical Squad ✓
  • 5 man Scout Squad ✓
  • Scout Speeder ✓
  • 10 man Devastator Squad ✓
So as you can see it still has a ways to go. The Terminator squad and chaplain are almost done but you will have to wait till next time to see them. Anyway, thanks for reading! Hope to have more to show soon.

Buttermilk Bob embraces Nurgle

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Hobby Update + Brushes & Paint Rant

    Welcome back to Obsidian Tower, the most exclusive hobby blog delivered directly into your eyeballs via microwaves from space!


Well, I think I'll start the post off with dessert first. Let's take a look at the most recent paint jobs.

Chaos Terminator Lord

Chaos Terminator Sorcerer

Chaos Lord (Magnetized)

Sternguard Veterans

Hobby Work

    I put a little time into my guys who were already painted as well. I wanted them to have some more quality features.

Magnetized weapon options

Larger base for this top heavy metal guy.

Sonic Cleaner

    I have recently acquired an affordable ultrasonic cleaner (great for Ultramarines), which I have been using to strip down some of the less desirable marines in my collection - those I do not take pictures of. The progress I have made so far has been steady, and I must say that I am impressed with the results.

5th Edition Codex Collection

    After many hours on eBay, I have finally succeeded in completing my collection of 5th edition army books. I find myself deeply enamored with the pictures and rich lore woven throughout these books, which is why this particular edition of the game holds a special place in my heart. It brings me great joy and satisfaction to have obtained them all.


    Do brush packs grind your gears as much as they grind mine? It seems like 90% of the brushes included are either too small, too large, or have some other useless quality, like bristles that are too long. I mean, who really needs a giant brush anyway? When I get a brush pack, I find that most of the extra brushes just accumulate into a collection of junk.

Wash brush, a Stick, a shiddy brush, a regular brush, and a dry brush

This is basically all I need to complete a project, but the most important brush of all isn't really a brush. It is something far greater and more powerful than a mere stick of wood with some hair at the end.

The MIGHTY airbrush

     This tool helps me achieve smooth basecoats quickly, and I honestly cannot recommend it enough. As for the paint, well, you can't use a brush without it, can you? So let's just say I have some thoughts on that too.


    Let's talk about paint. With so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to know what you actually need. Rest assured, I'll break it down for you in simple terms. There are two main types of paint: opaque and semi-opaque. Opaque paint is the best choice for achieving that coveted "two thin coats" of color. On the other hand, semi-opaque paint is perfect for adding those finishing touches, like panel lines, edge highlights, and layering up to a bright and vibrant coat of a specific color. So, unless you find yourself frequently doing those tasks, you can probably skip the semi-opaque paints altogether. Trust me, I speak from experience. My collection is chock-full of them, and I rarely use them.

   There are a few types of paint that I wouldn't purchase again. First up, dry paints. While they're marketed as great for dry brushing, I've found that you can achieve similar results with opaque paint. Frankly, they're redundant. I'd skip them altogether.

'Dry' Paint

    Next on the list is glaze paint. To be honest, I'm not even sure if they still sell this stuff. It may have been a prototype for contrast paint, but even then, I'm not sure what it's meant to do. I've tried it, and it just didn't make a significant impact on my workflow.


    Lastly, let's discuss shade/wash paint that isn't black or brown. While I have a few different colors of washes, I can count on one hand how many times I've used them. So, save your money and skip them altogether. Trust me, you won't miss them.

'Shade' Paint

Anyway, that's all I have to say about that.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Red Corsairs, 3D printing, and Internet

 Welcome back to the most regular and scheduled Warhammer blog on the internet! 

    There have been some interesting developments in Warhammer news since I last posted and I finally feel like I have enough to say about it to write something interesting. I've also been keeping a keen eye on the development of 3D printer technology. As a 3D modeler by trade, I feel a machine like that would give me some unique hobby capabilities! It also seems to me that the technology has reached a nexus of affordability and quality that will soon be hard to ignore. However, it is likely to be a while before I have the proper space for a 3D manufactorum of my own.

    But before I get into the cool new models I would like to collect, let's take a look at the recently painted ones I already have...

Lord Pauoolio Bane of Ultramar
The Dark Apostle
Aspiring Champions

    With the completion of these last few members of dark vengeance, I finally have the whole set painted! Better late than never I guess.

All of 'em together

But that's not all I've been up to. I have set a goal for myself to paint up all the finished assemblies in my backlog. 
Mr. Fist
Plasma Gunner
Chaos Lord
Aspiring Champion
    There are some that I am waiting to complete after I acquire the 3D printer for one reason or another, so they will have to wait. But the models that just require magnets and glue, are in the queue.

This guy thinks he's special
Speaking of magnets, I found this great pen drill online for drilling barrels and small magnet holes.
It's called the 'wow stick drill' and yes it's perfect for a dirty joke.

Around the internet

Blessed 3D Manufactorum
    I've seen some really cool stuff online lately involving the hobby, firstly, the quality of STL files you can get is insane. Some really talented people have created unique sculpts for models as proxies that are better than anything you could buy officially in some cases. For instance, I've always been a big fan of the Dawn of War series of RTS games. Take a look at this unique Gabrial Angelos! What an awesome sculpt! I'd love to print this out and paint up a Blood Ravens cohort. 

Gabriel Angelos
    Recently the imperial guard has been getting a lot of attention too, they have a new sentinel, tank, new infantry, etc... it's all looking pretty good, but I found this guy online who makes his own guard sculpts based on a WWII American army style. It might just be one of the coolest guard styles I've ever seen:
'Sherman Russ'
On the more official side of things, GW is also re-making the Khorne Berzerkers and they look awesome! I have some old ones in my backlog already though so I'm not sure if it'll be picking up a box yet...
I'll admit, these look way cooler than the old ones.
But for everything GW does right, they do something I cannot forgive:
Anyway, that's all I can bring myself to write about for now. Thanks for stopping by to read the blog! 

Till next time, Paint one for me!